Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sydney Harbour Bridge - Our Bucket List

As a final note, you can drive over this bridge, but for the low, low price of $238.00 a person, you can walk up over the arched top.  It is on my bucket list.  I'm saving my pennies right now so when we are released, we can do it.  The final shot is one of some little flashing lights that people carry with them when they walk up over the top.  I took a picture so Joan Dearborn can see where I want to be in 18 months - the view will be amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! OK - you made me laugh! You are so FUNNY Molly ~ you know that I know that YOU PREFER NOT TO DO BRIDGES!!!
    All photos are AMAZING! Thank you for sharing with us what your eyes are seeing! You and Tom are the perfect couple to serve your church as well as to enjoy your world there in Australia!
    Happy Memorial Day from here.....
    Joan and Don and Jay
